“Is JUNKER SEVEN the first in a series? How long will the series be?”

The Twin Suns duology will contain two full length novels (JUNKER SEVEN & REBEL RISING) as well as at least one novella, D3F3CT, and more to come!

“What did you use to format/distribute/write/etc your books?”

I write in Google Docs, Google Keep, and Scrivener. I format my books in Vellum, which is Mac exclusive. I distribute my books through IngramSpark and shorts through Itch.io. My wife did the cover art for J7, D3, and ATLGO and they used Procreate! The cover for AVLC was made in Canva! 

"I'm interested in indie/self publishing and I have a question about your experiences!"

Feel free to reach out!! DM me on Twitter or Instagram, email me at olivejkelley@gmail.com, whatever works best for you! I'd love to chat. 

"Will you blurb my book?"

Again, just reach out!! If we're mutuals/friends/vague acquaintances, I'm sure I'd love to— no promises though, as I do work full time on top of my author commitments.  

"How do you feel about fan fiction/fan art/fan works?"

LOVE THEM. I love them. I will not be reading any theoretical Twin Suns fanfiction until after the series' completion, but I love fan works very dearly! PLEASE tag me in any art/fic/etc, it would make my year.

Will there ever be audiobooks of your work?

I would absolutely love to do audiobooks, especially for TWIN SUNS and DAYBREAK, but it's not financially feasible in my cirrent situation. I'm open to selling the rights for an audiobook, and will work towards making it happen in the future!